Finding new ways through language resources

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About LRE Map

Initiated by ELRA and FlaReNet and introduced at LREC 2010, the LRE Map is a mechanism intended to monitor the use and creation of Language Resources by collecting information on both existing and newly-created resources during the submission process. It is a collective enterprise of the LREC community, as a first step towards the creation of a very broad, community-built, Open Resource Infrastructure. It is meant to become an essential instrument to monitor the field and to identify shifts in the production, use, and evaluation of Language Resources and Language Tools over the years.

LRE Map is now part of the regular submission at LREC Conference, for both the conference and the workshops papers and has been used for all editions since 2010. Apart from providing a portrait of the resources behind the community, of their uses and usability, the LRE Map intends to be a measuring instrument for monitoring the field of language resources.

The feature has also been implemented in other conferences in addition to the LRE Journal.